Content Moderation-Overview
If I disable a category where does the content from that category move to?
You can disable a category by going to Admin Settings - Click Category – Click Mandatory/Optional button - Disable the category – New window pops up – Select the alternate category you want all the available content in the existing category to be ...
Can I disable or enable a category?
Yes, you can disable or enable a category. 1. Click Settings menu from the side-bar 2. Select Categories tab 3. Identify the category's name, and use the toggle to enable/disable the category.
Can I move a mandatory category to option category and vice versa?
Yes, you can move a mandatory category to optional and vice versa. 1. Click Settings menu from the side-bar 2. Select Categories tab 3. Identify the category's name that you want to move, and click the Edit button next to the category's name 4. Now ...
What is the difference between Mandatory and optional category?
Mandatory Category (M): By default, Advocates will see all content published in this category. Optional Category (O): Advocates can choose to consume content from this category.
Can I search of a particular content?
You can search for a particular content using the Search button on the top.
What is the use of the Unpublished Tab?
Unpublished tab contains all of the blurbs, that have been unpublished, after being published in the Socxo Portal. From here, you can either: - modify the content's shareablitiy, add post texts, and re-publish, or - delete the content from the ...
Where can I view all my published content?
You can view all the published content under Moderate Content Menu -> Published Tab
What is the Pending Tab?
Pending tab contains all of the content that has been moved from the New tab to the Pending, for further action (publishing/deleting). This tab also displays content/blurbs that have been set for auto-publishing, but lack proper ...
Can I filter out content?
Yes, you can filter out content in the Moderate Content menu using Filters. Here are the ways by which you can filter out content in the Moderate Content menu, for further action: - By Category of the content (Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, ...
What is the new tab for?
The New tab lists all the new content that has been pulled in, but not auto-published
Can I view Internal, External and Suggested separately?
Yes You can see internal content (brand-owned content) external (third party content), and suggested (content suggested by advocates) separately under each tabs.