Content Sources - Overview
Can I disable sharing for particular sources and why?
Yes, you can disable sharing for particular sources because that particular content may have your competitor’s name and you want your advocates to share the content which has your competitor’s name.
Can I filter content from sources, that I have created?
Yes, you can filter content from sources, that you have created by going to Content Moderation – Click Filter – select the Content Source
Why should I enable validation checks for auto published content?
Validation checks is necessary step for auto published content it ensures that your advocates do not receive incomplete content that is missing an image or description.
Can I auto publish content from a particular source to a set for a particular team?
Yes, you can publish content from a particular source to a set for a particular team by going to Content Source – click on the three dots on the content source – click edit – Click Auto publish – Select Validation checks - Select team – Click Update
Why should I set up external/non brand owned sources?
You need to setup external content to get the industry news, content related to your business, and to keep a track on your competitors’ content.
What all other sources can I set up?
You can set up third-party content sources as well (URLs, YouTube Channels, etc) apart from brand-owned content sources. You can also set up UpContent as an AI-based content source. UpContent helps you to quickly find, sort, read, and interact with ...
What do I need to know before creating Brand owned sources?
You need to whether your brand owned pages are connected to the platform or its connection needs to be refreshed. You also need to be the Admin of the Facebook/LinkedIn pages of your brand, or have access to the Instagram and X handles, if you are to ...
How can I set up Brand owned sources like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and Blogs as Content Sources?
You can set up Brand owned sources like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube by going to Content Sources – Click + New Source -> Select Facebook or Instagram or Blog, from the drop-down menu from the top, to set up Brand-owned feeds as ...
Why should I set up content sources?
You should set up content sources to get all the content you want on the platform so that your users share content on their Social media accounts.
What are Internal and External content sources?
Internal Content Sources refer to all your company social media pages, blogs and anything else that you own. External Content Sources refer to everything else, including Twitter Lists, RSS Feeds, Industry news and any such other external content ...